Sometimes you get the feeling that current challenges have come to stay. Bakeries and patisseries are struggling with the ongoing shortage of skilled labour and continue to be under massive cost pressure, while at the same time customers want a lavishly stocked counter until the evening hours. Dreidoppel has developed new, rationally produced baked goods in trendy individual portions that stay appetisingly fresh in the counter for a long time and offer something to suit every taste. The flavour specialist from Langenfeld has once again shown that it is very close to the needs of its customers and has the decisive step towards a solution.
Buying a delicious pastry from the bakery or confectioner after work and enjoying a little treat on the way home. The customer's desire is understandable, but presents bakeries and confectioners with major challenges. Staff shortages and skyrocketing energy prices require precise costing these days - the production of surpluses, high complaint rates and food waste must be avoided. But especially in the supermarket checkout area, bakeries have to offer an appealing range of products all day long. Dreidoppel is putting its finger on the problem with its "Long lasting delicacies" concept. Delicious long-life baked goods that can be produced efficiently and remain fresh and appetising in the counter for an extra long time bring variety to the display until closing time.
Small single portions based on shortcrust pastry are the secret of the new creations under the "Indulgence until the shop closes" umbrella. Whether filled, as bobbes, as nougat cream rings, as crispy bars with various toppings or as juicy cherry tartlets. The six new recipe ideas can be prepared efficiently in the bakery and are also ideal for the to-go business as a convenient monoportion. So customers are happy to grab a quick sweet snack even after work. All baked goods have a particularly long shelf life and can therefore still be sold the next day.
"In dialogue with our customers, we keep hearing how difficult it is to meet customer demand for sweet snacks right up to the end of the day. That's why we decided to enter a new round with our 2020 concept for long-lasting baked goods, which reduces surpluses and complaint rates. The demand is there and the challenges for bakeries and confectioners are great. With our concept, we want to offer a solution that really helps both our customers and our customers' customers," says Dirk Wehner, Head of Marketing at Dreidoppel, summarising the new edition of the concept.